Private Lessons

Ready to Learn a Ton? 

Lessons with me are for curious minds and hard workers ready to take their learning into their own hands. I’m all about equipping students to teach themselves. My lessons are much less “here’s how to do this,” and much more “here’s how to solve this for yourself.” I’m the guide and you do the work. The result? You become independent. You become capable. You become the agent of your own learning. 

I guide you in how to guide yourself – and then you become your own best teacher. I’m about making you your own best resource, your own honest critic, and your own biggest fan. You’ll grow in musical knowledge, yes, but you’ll especially grow in character. Music requires curiosity, work ethic, patience and delayed gratification. Working through the challenges of learning the ins and outs of an instrument will transform who you are as a person for the better. I guarantee it.

About My Students

My students have won full-ride music scholarships to universities, auditioned into All-County and All-State Bands, marched in university marching bands, and earned superiors at Solo & Ensemble, they’re preparing for careers as professional musicians, they’ve graduated music school and become band directors. Some of them just love doing music for fun with no particular goals for the future – and those students are absolutely welcome too! 

They play every kind of drum set, they play 4 mallet marimba and orchestral snare drum, they read music like beasts, and make excellent musical decisions in whatever context they’re in. 

They love a challenge, take constructive criticism with grace, enjoy success, and practice a lot so they can get more of it!


  • Great attitude 
  • Willing to work hard 
  • Willing to and able to practice 30 minutes per day 
  • 6th Grade or Older


If this sounds like the kind of thing you’re interested in for yourself or for your child fill out the form below and we’ll get started!